Well, it's been some time since I've last posted, so I figured it's due-time. I'm always procrastinating updating the blog, until I realize I could write a novel with all of the happenings going on at the Bartel household.
February was a
busy busy month for me. It was the start up of my
Gold Canyon business, which is going wonderful!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to those that supported me and continue to do so. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I just
LOVE Gold Canyon, and I know that I've gotten some of you addicted to their products as well. I'd like say I'm sorry,....but, that was my goal. :)
I've mentioned before that we live next to an Elementary school. It's not just any elementary school, it was ranked 15th in the state. That's pretty impressive. The small school was the only reason we purchased our house. I am so sad to say that our school board has voted 4-3 to close our school the very same year McKenna was going to attend kindergarten. I am just devastated. Seeing that we practically live on top of the school, we have become the "poster family" for Winchester school closing and all of the local News media. I've been on the news about a dozen times in the past 2 months trying to get the public involved in our feverish efforts to keep the school open. Seeing that our community's attempts have failed thus far, I have decided to do something I'd never thought I was capable of.....homeschooling. Yep, you read that right, I am going to teach my child. My first thought on this was, "NO WAY! I'm not crazy." then I was like, "Well, I guess it wouldn't be that bad, after all, it's better than sending her on a bus for a 2hr commute per day to get to a school almost eight times the size of our beloved elementary school next door." now, after extensive research, I'm like "LET'S DO THIS!" I'm super excited, and I'll admit, a bit scared too. After all, I don't want to screw up my kid. This is only a temporary set-up. My goal is to get through this year and we'll see how things go. If they go exceptionally well, then I will home school both McKenna and Zander the following year. If McKenna decides she's ready for the "big" school and to ride the bus to "far-away land", then I know at least she will have her brother Zander with her. Because of this decision, we are turning our playroom into a Learning center, and the storage space under the stairs will be the new "cool" kids room. I'll post some pictures of the new set-up.
March was a BIG month. It was McKenna's birthday! My little baby girl, my first born, continues to get bigger, stronger and smarter. It was 5 years ago on March 26th that I left the Mesa, AZ hospital with my beautiful baby in my arms and experienced this life with a whole new outlook. I had a little person that depended on me for everything, literally. It was the most AMAZING and scariest thing ever. Here I am, my heart swelling with pride, to know that my daughter is five years old.
McKenna continues to bring our family joy and animation. She is still a princess and loves anything princess related. She still acts like a little mommy to her two "little" brothers. Gage is too much of a chunkeroo for her to lift up and tote around, but that doesn't stop McKenna from trying. It was no surprise that the theme for her birthday party was her favorite princess, Ariel. Once again Grandma Bartel made the delicious cake.
The kids had a blast. I cherish these moments when they are still so young and have their little high pitched cute as ever voices.
April came, I blinked, and now it's practically over. Within a couple of days we went from almost 80 degree weather, to LOTS of snow, and then 2 weeks later, the kids were running through the sprinklers.
Only in Wisconsin do you get to experience all four seasons within one months time.
I can't believe it will be May soon! Swimming lessons start in only a month. Just unbelievable how fast time is passing.
Zander has officially passed up McKenna in weight. They were at 45.4lbs for the longest time, and all of a sudden Z shot up to 47lbs! He's still a good two inches shorter. They both wear the same size (5T) in clothing and fit into each others shoes. (12-13 for McKenna and 11-12 for Z) Zander is into worms, snakes and dinosaurs now. He's also getting Gagers into it. Last week I heard a McKenna scream, "MOM, THERE'S A WORM IN MY ROOM!".....and I knew exactly how it got there.
(Z & G with a worm)
(Zander passed out with his worms)
Because Gage has older siblings to look up to he is starting to grow up even faster than the others did. His vocabulary is so extensive. It amazes me how much he is able to comprehend at his age. I think because of this he is more capable of being a little stinker. Gage is going through a biting, hitting and pinching phase. It's seriously driving me bonkers. I've tried ignoring him, giving him time-outs, even biting him back, and NOTHING works. I'm embarrassed when my friends bring over their kiddos for play dates because Gage will always end up making one or all of them cry. The other day he bit my parents 4yr old neighbor girl in the BUTT! Just a little devil. I've never had a child that challenges me so much. Gagers gets into EVERYTHING too!
If it weren't for his big hugs & super cute dimples.....
(SO big!)
Hopefully summer will bring new distractions and this phase of his will disappear.
Well, I know there is so much more to include, but I will have to write in a later post. I will make it a point to post more frequently. I know, I've said that before, but I'm going to really make the effort. These kiddos are growing up way too fast for me not to appreciate & document it. As crazy as my life is right now, I wouldn't change it. I am so blessed.
How does that Jon & Kate saying go?...."It might be a crazy life, but it's OUR life".
(pathetic I know, I just couldn't resist!)
(My little devils!)
(couldn't resist...now THAT is a grundy!)
(Yep, Kenna still pretends she has a sister....and Z goes right along with it)
(Z refused to take his shark PJ's off for McKenna's B-day party)
(Gagers checking out his Easter eggs.)
(The kiddos helping make our Easter Lamb cake. A Lepak tradition.)
(Priceless expression to her Ariel card)
(I had to include this one,...just so I can look at it when it doesn't look this clean....which is almost ALWAYS!)