Well, I haven't blogged in a while, so I thought I would post an update. My last Dr's appt was on Tues. I checked in at 4, peed in the cup, & the nurse pointed me to the room to wait for the Dr. As I'm waiting, & waiting & waiting, I made my way to the hallway to see if anyone was around. By this time I was getting restless. At 5:20, the nurse sees me & puts her hands to her mouth. Yep, I knew it, they FORGOT about me! How can you forget about a 9 mos contracting pregnant woman? Hmm. Well, the nurse apologized & then proceeded to tell me the Dr. left for the night. Just great. Needless to say I received a phone call at work from my Dr. the next day apologizing, & she asked if I could come in for a brief visit, which I did. As of Wed, 3cm dilated & 80% effaced. (sorry to gross anyone out). She did a little procedure on me, that if worked, should produce labor within 24 hours.....well, that was over 72 hrs ago. I am contracting, but nothing consistent. I'm beginning to think I might just have to wait until the 25th when Gage is actually scheduled to make is debut. McKenna & Zander are at Nana & Papa's house for the weekend, so maybe I can get some "nesting" done ....(okay, who am I kidding, I can't even bend right now)
Say some prayers & hopefully maybe even tonight!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Were rooting for ya Kristi...the wait is so frustrating.. Gage just doesn't want to come out yet..I'm sure it will be fast once he starts.. We will keep you in our prayers! Good Luck!
GAGE come out your mommy is uncomfortable.... But he will come when he is ready don't ya love how kids make us wait.... Good Luck with all Kristi we will keep you in our prayers, and hopefully it will be soon
Good luck Kristi! Hopefully Gage will make his debut soon, and it will be quick and easy! And I can't believe the doctor forgot about you...crazy!!
Thank you so much for leaving such a sweet and thoughtful comment on our blog. I will be thinking of you and hoping and praying that all goes well with the birth of Gage. Enjoy every second with him. I'm so glad I did with my Wyatt because I have no regrets. Your family is beautiful! Your children are absolutly precious. Thanks again for lifting my spirits and showing such concern for a complete stranger. You are amazing!
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